DME | Home Medical Billing Services
Whether you are in the early stages of competitive bidding or working to complete accreditation surveys while remaining compliant with the insurance rules it helps to have an experienced medical billing company on your side. We offer consulting and billing services for new and well established DME companies here in Florida and across the United States.
When it comes to DME orders it is crucial that data entry is correct so that inventory, HCPCS codes, social security numbers, insurance card details, all the necessary information to bill the insurance is in place correctly. That is where we start, at your office creating a process between the order taker to the billing specialist. We try to make this process as efficient and simple as possible while working with your current business structure.
Some of our DME Billing Services include:
- Streamline Ordering Process
- Staff Training on Order Intake into Billing System
- Monthly Billing and Collection Reports
- Primary and Secondary Insurance Billing
- Patient Statements
- Posting of Patient & Insurance Checks Received
- Denial Corrections and Re-submissions
- Support with Medicare Audits
- Consulting for Accreditation Surveys and Compliance
- Competitive bidding, ZPIC Audit, and RAC Audit Support
With our experience in DME, Home Medical Equipment billing we can bring your process up to date, improve order to billing efficiency and most importantly, bring in more money!